spam me

Adolfo Espinoza

to me
show details 1:56 PM (6 minutes ago)

I'm a charming blue-eyed blonde, and I wish to become a pen pal (by email or Skype) of a handsome and clever guy, interested in further real dates!

be yourself and the rest will follow

you wake up one lousy day and you find yourself broken. the pieces are all over but you can't see the whole pictures anymore. the last few months i felt so empty that the thought of killing myself made no difference.
i was a moving curse, a lost cause because i couldn't see the bright tomorrow. my world was not meant to be sick sad and depressed but surprising, unexpected and vivid.
i gave in to the charms of depression i let down myself many times. fell to the floor asking a reason for my misery but could not see the whole picture.
i had stopped my dreaming without thinking that my rambling was the biggest part of my personality. i moved through europe always feeling like a stranger even in my own house . i was seeking for reasons for not being happy while the "I" was absent.
finally i found something that put he smile back to my face.
my fellow dreamers.

ps: this post is dedicated to my friends as well as everything i did so far in my life.


goodbye michael!

(i won't be in athens this saturday)


right now i am sitting right here trying to think what's right for me.